Friday, July 4, 2008

07-04 Logan Pass

We arrived at St. Mary just about the time they opened the Going to the Sun Road. From what I’ve seen, the eastern side of the park is more interesting with more open grasslands and more photogenic topography.
Yesterday I got up at 4:30 for some morning shots at Wild Goat Island. After that I drove to Logan Pass and found a small group of mountain goats, maybe 6 or 8 of them, on the side of the road. They took off when they spotted me and I followed in the car as they made their way along the narrow ledge on the other side of the embankment. I shot these photos as they reemerged. They were taken out of the passenger window.


TravelSouth said...

Wonderful photos of the mountain goats. I love your photo of Wild Goose Island and the lake. Beautiful.

Dick:) said...

Outstanding shots of those mountain goats. You took great advantage of that opportunity. The lake and mountains are spectacular.

Anonymous said...

You take the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen, Buz.
