Sunday, June 22, 2008


Yesterday, the 21st, was a day of rest, cleaning up and some small repairs to the bus. High water pressure blew the regulator and caused a water line to leak. All is back to normal... I hope.
Weather continues to be mild with beautiful skies. We visited the park visitor's center because the building was located in a strange looking compound. As it turns out, these buildings were used by the army from the early 1880s until 1916. This is the oldest national park in the system (1872 if memory serves) and the army was stationed here to help with poaching... according to the sign. This was also the period of the Native American Ghost Dance, which had the white settlers and Washington very concerned, and Chief Joseph's dash for the Canadian border. He passed through Yellowstone, already a park, with troops in pursuit. I suspect the army was stationed here for more than "poachers".
We found a really bad Chinese restaurant last night if anyone would like the name. Who ever heard of not taking leftovers home from a Chinese restaurant?

Here's a few more photos from the day before.


TravelSouth said...

Truly beautiful views. You seem to be having really wonderful weather.

I smiled at the story about the Chinese food.

Don't miss the Paint Pots!

Jock said...

Buz, these pics are awesome. What a wonderfull and divers country the USA is.
